About progress and utility

What an advantage!

Imagine! what benefit this could bring to the Realm! If all which within Sweden every year is loaded upon Carts – or Waggons, which are merely double Carts – were, say, 7 million talents, and the question by the Royal Academy of Sciences could be answered in the affirmative, then the improvement would be easy, and in time widespread; the outcome would be that 3 million talents could be carried at no cost, or three sevenths of the Realm’s entire cartage be superfluous. Who could then consider the time, effort and cost spent on such an essential Objective as squandered?

A Response to the Question Regarding the Improvement of Carts (Svar på frågan angående kärrors förbättring, 1764, § 1, p. 6–7). Translated by Johan von Willebrandt and Viveka Malmberg-Elliot.